Otherwise known as ISS or Unlicensed Residential Support Setting. Services provided in this setting are Person Centered Support-Agency (ratios as indicated by IPP), as well as necessary and approved LPN Services by definition in the IDDW Manual.
The purpose of this setting type will be to provide alert and awake staff to assist the individuals to live inclusively and to integrate into their community by providing health and safety oversight and assistance, assistance with mobility and transportation, companionship, behavioral support, access to the home and community, abilities for social interaction, and all other facets of daily living as indicated or necessary.
Residentially-based services will occur in individually owned or leased homes in the community, and include all necessary supports for those individuals who want to live more independently. Hopewell will utilize Individual Support Directors (ISD) to oversee and ensure compliance with all regulating and budgetary goals in these settings.
The ISD staff will have small, manageable caseloads and have the individual needs of the person served as the focus. These supervising staff will hire and oversee training of carefully matched direct supports, named Individualized Support Professionals (ISP), and work as an integral part of each individual’s treatment team.